
  • v5.7.5 – updated the pre-packaged KoboldCpp to v1.74
  • v5.7.4.2 – Hotfix: fixed code mistakes related to the “Manage AI Back-ends” option
  • v5.7.4.1 – Hotfix: fixed the issue related to the new version of pre-packaged KoboldCpp not being recognised as an update
  • v5.7.4 – updated the pre-packaged KoboldCpp to v1.73.1
  • added initial SillyTavern support
  • added “Manage AI Back-ends” to the MENU
  • v5.7.3 – updated the pre-packaged KoboldCpp to v1.73
  • a mechanism has been added so that when updating AltaeraAI, the pre-packaged KoboldCpp will update only if it was previously installed
  • added ability to use “maid” as an external front-end for ollama
  • various fixes and expanded ollama support
  • v5.7.2 – added initial ollama support
  • v5.7.1 – added Gemma-2-2B-it and Gemma-2-2B-it-abliterated weights to the list of models
  • v5.7 – updated to koboldcpp-1.72
  • re-written the installation script to be more automated and user friendly, added visual enhancements and fixed bugs related to it
  • v5.6 – updated to koboldcpp-1.71.1
  • v5.5.2 – fixed a bug that caused the “Functional Status” check to always inform the user of technical difficulties
  • v5.5.1 – a “Functional Status” check has been added, which will notify the user of ongoing technical difficulties (as determined by the repository owner) that may occur for users who have recently installed or upgraded AltaeraAI, due to its rolling-release lifecycle
  • v5.5 – updated to koboldcpp-1.70.1
  • v5.4.2 – a “very fast” installation method has been introduced that drastically shortens the process. It uses a pre-packaged PRoot-Distro environment, instead of installing it from scratch, and restores it in a backup form. It is now a default installation method
  • v5.4.1 – added an automatic Termux update check, which will inform the user of an available update and allow the user to choose whether Termux was initially downloaded from GitHub or from F-Droid to further proceed (this is necessary for the update to actually work). This functionality is set by default (as are automatic update & file integrity checks), but can also be disabled under settings
  • v5.4 – updated to koboldcpp-1.69.1
  • added Gemma-2-9B-it weights to the list of models
  • v5.3 – updated to koboldcpp-1.69
  • v5.2.3 – fixed a bug in the file integrity checking mechanism that reported missing files even when they were not (especially after a fresh installation)
  • added an initial solution to when the PRoot Distro environment fails to install, during the installation process
  • v5.2.2 – added the ability to enter a custom value for Context & Blas Batch Size, in addition to the fixed sizes
  • various visual improvements and fixes to the MENU
  • v5.2.1 – introduced “File Integrity checks”, which run simultaneously with the update checking mechanism, to determine potential file deficiences that can impact AltaeraAI’s functionality; in case there are missing files, the user will be asked whether to carry out file repair. Said functionality is set by default (as are automatic update checks), but can also be disabled under settings
  • visual fixes and improvements, changes to the MENU
  • v5.2 – updated to koboldcpp-1.68
  • added the “Horde” option to the MENU, which utilises AI Horde to allow for sharing your processing power (an AI Model) for users worldwide
  • minor aesthetic changes and fixes to the MENU
  • v5.1.2 – fixed the issue regarding pre-packaged KoboldCpp not being downloaded after switching to an organisational repository
  • added a pre-launch check (when starting KoboldCpp) to see if the KoboldCpp directory exists in PRoot Distro; if not, the user will be asked whether to download or compile it
  • v5.1.1 – shifted the project’s main GitHub repository into an organisational one (ThinkThroughLabs). This upgrade does not bring any functionalities, its sole purpose is to redirect local AltaeraAI update mechanisms to a new address
  • v5.1 – updated to koboldcpp-1.67
  • added “aef”, “aeforce” and “altaeraforce” arguments to the “bash.bashrc” file, which allow the user to launch AltaeraAI without the automatic update checking mechanism, in case there is a start-up problem, i.e., poor network connectivity
  • v5.0 – updated to koboldcpp-1.66.1
  • visual fixes and improvements to Model MENUS
  • v4.9.6 – added Phi-SoSerious-Mini-V1/imatrix weights to the list of models
  • v4.9.5 – fixed “KoboldCpp Settings”
  • v4.9.4 – added an optional (set by default) black MENU background (Bash display dialog boxes)
  • visual enhacements during the update process, added display of random AI facts
  • v4.9.3 – added Gemma-2B/7B-it weights (and a reference to their LICENSE file, with a notice) to the list of models
  • v4.9.2 – added Yi-1.5-6B-Chat weights to the list of models
  • v4.9.1 – added “Benchmark” mode to test AI models (–benchmark flag – KoboldCpp), into the MENU
  • v4.9 – updated to koboldcpp-1.65
  • v4.8.5 – fixed a bug which always informed the user about an available update, when launching AltaeraAI in offline mode
  • v4.8.4 – added a changelog to the main MENU
  • v4.8.3 – added an optional (set by default) “auto-update” mechanism, which automatically checks for updates whenever you type in “ae” in order to start AltaeraAI
  • added “AltaeraAI Settings” into the MENU
  • v4.8.2 – added information about device RAM and free storage in the main MENU
  • v4.8.1 – added KobbleTinyV2-1.1B (imatrix) weights to the list of models
  • v4.8 – updated to koboldcpp-1.64.1
  • v4.7.2 – added Tiny-Vicuna and TinyDolphin (imatrix/laser) weights to the list of models
  • added the ability to enable/disable the experimental Flash Attention (–flashattention) flag for compatible models in “KoboldCpp Settings”
  • v4.7.1 – in case there is no update to KoboldCpp itself available, the “check for updates” mechanism will no more ask you to choose from a pre-packaged KoboldCpp or a locally compiled one; instead it will only update shell files, provided there is an update available to those
  • added the option to force-update shell files only
  • v4.7 – updated to koboldcpp-1.64
  • v4.6.3 – added KobbleTinyV2-1.1B weights to the list of models
  • v4.6.2 – fixes to the reinstallation mechanism
  • v4.6.1 – added: KobbleTiny, TinyLlama, Mamba and Phi-3 Mini weights to the list of models
  • v4.6 – updated to koboldcpp-1.63
  • added LLaMA-3 weights to the list of models
  • removed OpenBLAS support by default, due to reports of a significant slowdown when using this processing method
  • fixes to the update mechanism when selecting local compilation
  • visual fixes to the MENU
  • v4.5 – updated to koboldcpp-1.62.1
  • v4.4 – updated to koboldcpp-1.61.2
  • v4.3 – updated to koboldcpp-1.60.1
  • v4.2 – updated to koboldcpp-1.59.1
  • v4.1 – updated to koboldcpp-1.58
  • v4.0 – updated to koboldcpp-1.57.1
  • v3.9 – updated to koboldcpp-1.56
  • “Compatility Mode” no longer required, nor utilised to work with old GGML models
  • v3.8.1 – added Vicuna weights to the list of models
  • v3.8 – updated to koboldcpp-1.55.1
  • v3.7.3 – added the ability to choose from installing/updating with the pre-packaged KoboldCpp or building one on your own device
  • v3.7.2 – fixed ngrok to work with Artix Linux
  • v3.7.1 – added Phi-2 weights to the list of models
  • v3.7 – updated to koboldcpp-1.54
  • v3.6 – updated to koboldcpp-1.53
  • small changes to the embedded Kobold Lite (replaced “summary” with “memory” for better context following in Chat Mode)
  • v3.5.1 – added Mistral weights to the list of models
  • v3.5 – updated to koboldcpp-1.52.2
  • visual fixes and improvements in the MENU
  • v3.4 – updated to koboldcpp-1.52.1
  • v3.3 – updated to koboldcpp-1.51.1
  • v3.2.7 – cosmetic MENU UI visual enhancements when updating
  • v3.2.6 – upgraded every language available on the list to upstream changes and fixes
  • v3.2.5 – changes to the MENU
  • v3.2.4 – added the “List Installed Models” option, fixed launching flags for GGML/bin models
  • v3.2.3 – introduced “Compatibility Mode”, which from now on automatically deploys outdated GGML models (RWKV-4) with an older koboldcpp-1.49, thereby fixing the ‘GGML_ASSERT’ error [the embedded KoboldLite will continue to be updated]. Users that installed AltaeraAI prior to 26 Nov 2023 need to re-install in order to utilise the Compatibility Mode
  • v3.2.2 – refactoring, bug fixes, aesthetic changes to the MENU
  • v.3.2.1 – 🦙🦙 back on the models’ list!
  • v3.2 – updated to koboldcpp-1.50.1
  • small refactoring
  • v3.1.2 – bug fixes
  • small refactoring
  • v3.1.1 – added the ability to store multiple AI Models at a time and choose which one of them to deploy/download/remove/back-up/restore
  • changes to the MENU
  • v3.1 – updated to koboldcpp-1.49
  • v3.0 – updated to koboldcpp-1.48.1 – [reverted to v2.9.3 until glibc-2.38 package is upstream in Ubuntu-22.04_arm64 repositories due to an OpenBLAS dependency requirement]
  • Switched over from Ubuntu PRoot-Distro to Artix Linux. Users that installed AltaeraAI prior to 11 Nov 2023 are requested to re-install in order to receive future updates
  • v2.9.3 – bug fixes
  • v2.9.2 – added “KoboldCpp Settings” into the MENU, minor aesthetic changes to it
  • v2.9.1 – changes to the MENU
  • v2.9 – updated to koboldcpp-1.47.2
  • v2.8.1 – minor aesthetic changes to the MENU
  • v2.8 – updated to koboldcpp-1.46.1
  • – performance upgrades
  • v2.7 – updated to koboldcpp-1.44.2
  • – performance upgrades, default AI model changed to “RWKV-claude-for-mobile-v4-world”
  • v2.6.1 – intensive changes in the MENU, added many more functionalities and facilities
  • v2.6 – updated to koboldcpp-1.43
  • v2.5 – updated to koboldcpp-1.39.1
  • minor performance upgrades
  • v2.4.1 – minor performance upgrades to the RWKV model
  • v2.4 – updated to koboldcpp-1.38
  • upgraded the modified version of embedded Kobold Lite UI to contain new functionalities
  • v2.3 – updated to koboldcpp-1.37.1
  • v2.2 – updated to koboldcpp-1.35
  • added an auto-detection system for model selection (default)
  • v2.1 – added llamacpp weights to the list of models. – [temporarily removed in newest versions]